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How to hog hunt?

Feral hog hunting is exploding in popularity across the Gulf States as populations boom. These aggressive, non-native animals breed quickly and threaten native wildlife and agriculture. Estimates peg the U.S. feral hog population in the millions, with over 2.5 million in Texas alone. To control growth, around 70% need to be culled annually. Relaxed regulations in hard-hit states are encouraging hunters to take up the cause. However, hog hunting can be dangerous, even for seasoned hunters. Follow these tips to stay safe and successful as a beginner.

how to hog hunt

Learn To Track Hogs

Mastering hog sign is critical for locating and stalking your quarry. Key things to look for include:

  • Rooting - Hogs rip up vegetation and soil with their snouts while feeding. Churned-up dirt is a clear giveaway.
  • Wallowing - Near water sources, hogs create muddy wallows to cool off in. These resemble mini ponds or trenches.
  • Tracks - Distinctively rounded, wider deer-like tracks show hogs passed through.

Use Calls

Predator calls provoke aggressive responses, drawing hogs from cover. Use coyote, bobcat, or distressed piglet sounds in short bursts from downwind. Be ready when angry hogs charge out to confront the "threat." Maintain a safe distance.

Hunt At Night

Increasing hunting pressure has made hogs predominantly nocturnal. Late evening through early morning, when they feed, is often the most productive. Many states allow night hunting on private land, with or without lights.

Know The Hotspots

Some states have vastly more hogs and fewer restrictions than others. Top destinations include:

  1. Texas: 2.6 million hogs statewide. General license valid for public land year-round. Notify wardens before spotlighting at night.
  2. Florida: Hogs in all 67 counties. Take them during most seasons with a general license. Not during spring turkey season.
  3. Louisiana: Approximately 500,000 hogs and rapidly growing. Legal year-round on private land during daylight hours with a basic license. Night hunting is allowed under certain conditions.

For regulations in these and other states, research hog hunting laws thoroughly before planning your hunt.

Use The Right Firearm

Hogs have thick hides and dense bones, so choosing an adequate caliber is key. Common recommendations include:

  • 12 gauge shotguns with slugs or 00 buckshot for short-range power.
  • Lever action rifles in .30-30 Winchester or .45-70 Government for brush hunting.
  • AR platform semi-autos in 6.8 SPC or .300 Blackout to quickly follow up shots.

Practice regularly to confidently hit vitals from 50-200 yards based on terrain and visibility.

Consider Dogs

Hog dogs aren't mandatory, but they're a huge asset. Hardy catch dogs like Pitbulls, Dogos, and Catahoulas can track, bay, and catch hogs while protective breeds like Akbash stay safe.
Training establishes communication and control. Dogs allow tracking wounded hogs, cornering the sounder, and tiring out pigs for cleaner kills.

Aim For Lethal Shots

While headshots may seem intuitive, a hog's thick skull and neck muscles can deflect rounds. Instead, target the vitals low behind the front shoulder. Penetrating heart/lung shots drop them quickly.
If safe, take follow-up shots or track wounded hogs. Leaving them suffering reflects poorly on hunters. Use extra caution approaching downed hogs before they fully expire.

Process Properly

Once harvested, feral hog meat must be handled carefully to avoid parasites and disease. Wear rubber gloves while field dressing and wash thoroughly afterward. Cool carcasses quickly, then refrigerate or freeze. Thorough cooking to an internal temperature of 160°F kills potential bacteria and pathogens. Avoid raw or undercooked meat.

Hunting feral hogs helps landowners and wildlife agencies control out-of-control populations. Following these tips will lead to an effective, ethical, and rewarding hunt while helping protect native ecosystems.

Dallas Store

3000 Grapevine Mills PWKY
Space #133 Grapevine, TX 76051

Austin Store

2901 S Capital of Texas Hwy
Suite N02, Austin, TX 78746

Houston Store

5015 Westheimer Road
Suite A1192, Houston TX 77056

Atlanta Store

5900 Sugarloaf Pkwy
Suite 513, Lawrenceville GA 30043

Chicago Store

GAT Guns Store 970 Dundee Ave
East Dundee, IL 60118

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